WWDC – Apple unveils iOS 7 update

The new iPhone and iPad operating system refresh is coming this autumn.

mac pro 2013

The new Mac Pro tower is built in the US.

Apple’s Worldwide Developer Conference gently rocked the smartphone and tablet industry today with the official introduction of iOS 7.

The insanely rich consumer technology company also showed off it’s American-built Mac Pro desktop, OS X 10.9 Mavericks and new iTunes Radio streaming music service.

iOS 7 is the first serious redesign of Apple’s smartphone operating system since the original iPhone went on sale in 2007. Apple has overhauled the iOS interface for a flatter, more coherent look than the skeuomorphic bookshelves and notepads of yesteryear.

iOS 7 is all about transparent overlays, bright colours and more accessible settings. Even Siri’s voice is being updated.

With this latest iOS, Apple seems to be challenging Google, Microsoft, Blackberry and any other rival out there. Smartphones have moved on over the 6 years since iPhone created the increasing demand for touchscreen mobile phones, and tablets are booming.

While iOS 7 might seem to be playing catch up with Android Jelly Bean, even with aspects of Windows Phone 8 and BlackBerry 10, Apple only really has to compete with itself and recapture the imagination of its existing customers.

Watch the video below to hear Sir Jony Ive discuss the creative choices Apple has made for iOS 7, and see some of the redesigned first-party apps and features in action.

Developers can get their hands on iOS 7 immediately, but Apple is expected to push out the public update in autumn.

Check out Apple’s official iOS 7 page

Does it matter to you that iOS 7 isn’t innovative, or do you think Apple still does smartphones better than anyone else? Share you view in the comments, on TechGibbon’s Facebook or tweet us your reaction to the new iOS.

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